
Showing posts from January, 2019

Common Contaminants Possibly Found in Groundwater

Few people in America actually give a second thought to their drinking water as it flows from the tap; after all, thorough and extensive systems have been put into place to ensure no one really has reason to be concerned, right? Though this is true to an extent, contamination does come in a number of forms and from several different sources. Hepure is dedicated to helping remedy the problem to a significant degree, but keeping on top of all the potential contaminants would be virtually impossible. Common Types of Water Contamination For the most part, contamination in groundwater comes from nearby soil. Contaminants, whether from factories and farms or more widespread sources, leak into the soil. From there, they leach into the public water supply. Many of these substances are heavy metals and chemicals, and quite a few of them can be harmful in large amounts. That being said, products found at can help remove contaminants at their sources. Nitrates: While nitr...